The Pain Free Life You Deserve

The Pain Free Life You Deserve
Arthritis & Pain Management Centre
PRP is Platelet Rich Plasma.
As is evident from the name it contains very high concentration of Platelets (15-20 times of normal) floating in a pool of Plasma.
It is obtained by separating Red Blood Cells & White Blood Cells from the blood after mixing an Anti-Coagulant.
Patient's blood (10-20 ml) is withdrawn and injected in a Special PRP Kit. Platelets are separated, processed & activated with the help of a Centrifuge Machine. These platelets are then taken in a syringe & injected in the body at the site of the disease.
Platelets produce Growth Factors which are necessary for tissue healing. This Healing Power of the Platelets is used to Regenerate body tissues and treat various diseases like -
1. Arthritis - Cartilage Regeneration
2. Sports Injuries - Ligament / Muscle Healing
3. Overuse Injuries - Tendonitis / Bursitis
Beauty of PRP is that the new cells / tissues are formed in a natural way inside our body.
A part of your own blood goes inside your own body. It’s not a Medicine / Chemical.
Procedure is Painfree & Quick (30-40 Minutes only). No need of hospitalisation. No Surgery / Incision / Scar.
There are no chances of Infection / Allergic Reaction during / after procedure.
It does what it is meant for. Good results are obtained in about 75% of patients of Arthritis.
Cost of Procedure is much less as compared to Prolonged Medicines / Surgery.
It attacks the root cause of problem. Hence there are less chances of recurrence.
PRP helps in Regeneration of Cartilage and
Increases Lubrication inside the knee joint.
It reduces pain & swelling and helps patients to live a normal pain free life
Without Surgery
Back Pain due to Nerve Compression can be cured with the help of Spinal Injection Therapy.
Surgery can be avoided by Nerve Blocks, Epidural Injections & Ozone Therapy
Ligament Tear, Muscle & Tendon Injuries / Tendonitis can be Rapidly & Completely cured with the help of Steroid and PRP Injections.
These injections are very safe and effective
Multispeciality Team of Doctors dedicated to Pain Management.
Experts include Orthopedician, Anaesthetist, Neurophysician, Psychiatrists & Physiotherapists.
We follow latest International Guidelines & Protocols during our treatment.
This gives better results and satisfaction in all our patients.
We use World Class PRP Kits
(Dr PRP - USA)
and other recommended Equipments.
PRP obtained by our method is of Purest Form & Highest Quality.
Feel free to contact us or visit us. We would be more than happy to tell you more about PRP.
Monday - Saturday : 11AM - 7 PM
Sunday Closed
(By prior appointments only)
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Developed & Designed by Dr Anurag Agrawal